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숭실대학교 국제무역학과입니다.

교수진 소개

교수진 소개

제목 - 설명

정지윤 ph.D.

전공Strategy and Entrepreneurship
연구실연구관 115호
연락처02 - 828 - 7093
학력 2018, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business (Ph.D. in Strategy and Entrepreneurship, with a minor in International Business)   2012, Purdue University, Krannert School of Management (B.S. in Industrial Management, with a minor in Statistics; Graduation with Highest Distinction)
주요 경력 학외경력 2018-2020, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Assistant Professor of Management, School of Management and Economics
주요 연구업적 Chung, J., Lorenz, A., & Somaya, D. 2019. Dealing with intellectual property (IP) landmines: Defensive measures to address the problem of IP access. Research Policy, 48(9): 103828.   Chung, J. 2019. Real options in preemptive patenting: Evidence from the America Invents Act (AIA). Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.   Chung, J. 2011. The National Innovation System (NIS) and the automobile industry in South Korea. Discussion Papers "Innovation Systems and Policy Analysis" 29, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI).
수상내역 2019, Nominee, William H. Newman Award, Academy of Management Annual Conference 2018, List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, UIUC
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